Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Write a blog

My experience with this blog was very useful, by one hand because i've never wrote in a blog before, not even in spanish, and by the other hand because i've never used another lenguage to write so long.
At the school, i've only write a concept or especific word in english, and that's all.
For me, write here is hard, and I note that I've tried to do very simple sentences and i'm always thinking that i'm writing wrong.
Before this, I wrote in english just some favourites songs, and nothing else.
But, I know that write is a good way to learn another lenguage, and take more practice with it.
I thing that write in english helps to get more confidence and apply with I've learn.
With another point of view, about the corrections of the posts, I think that it really helps to know what is rigth or what is wrong in this activity. We had the chance to learn from ours mistakes.
I've learned about english with this blog, and it is good to do because we are studing the other lenguage listening, writining, and talking it.
The topics that i've wrote about were well selected, because we all have something to say about all the diferents sessions.
Many times I didn't had nothing else to say to write the enought number of words (even now, and that is the reason because i'm writing this... i don't now what else I can say!).
But finally, and considering all this weeks that we were writining in this blog, i think that ir really helps to me and learn about english. My vocabulary is a little bir more bigger, and at last i've wrote a blog!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Ideal Job

When I was in the school, I didn't know exactly what I would like to study at University. At one point I even consider to study something like law, physics or ingenier. But, I always thought that it have to give me the chance to teach it. That is what I want to do in the future: teach, or work in something related with education, maybe in public politicy, using anthropology (I think that this country really needs to work seriously in this scope)
My perfect professional future, is travel to somewhere out of Chile, and do a master that allow me to be a teacher, in specific areas like philosophical anthropology, or economic anthropology.
But, I'm considering to choose the speciality of physical anthropology, so I would like to teach something related to that too.
I really would like to work in this University, and make interesting investigations with the students. I would adore to learn some languages such as french or italian, too!
Well, I really hope that I get the opportunity for do this, because I know it is very hard.
First, I got to finish my career and be a very good student; and after that, get a scholarship or just work for the money to pay the university credits.
My ideal job... well, I have four years more to think about it, or there is the posibility that I would need to work in any job that I could get, at the end.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Smile !

This photograph is one of my favourites, because there are almost all my old friends from the school. I remember that day very well. It was in may of the last year, when we travel all togheter to Valparaiso! We had a lot of fun, across the streets of that city, the National Congress, many museums, and the beautifull scenery. When we were walking and taking pictures of everything we found, we saw the artwork of the picture... A giant smile ! We have tried to smile like the cloud in the wall, and then I took the photograph. After that, we walked to "la sebastiana"; one of the Neruda's houses. On the streets and walls were poetry writen by the people of the neighbours, with many colours and motives.Well, going back to the picture, this is my favourite image because it represents what that persons in there are: very nice and cheerful girls. It is a wonderfull memory that I'll keep in my mind forever.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


When I was in this place by first time, i've already noticed that the people is a little bit different from me, and from the persons that I've considered normal before. At the begining I thought that everybody were geeks, uptight, or hippies...even the teachers!
Now, I know that all the students were very smart people, and they have so much more knowledge than me. They are really amazing students, but now almost everyone of us is a little geek, and we are always talking about antropologhical thinks and topics.
About the teachers, I've keep my position about some of them. They teach some especial contents, and the close that they were in some cases is very funny !

And the uptights...they are very curious because they are that kind of people but, like a teacher says, they try to hide that part of them, and seems like an humble persons. Even so, they are very tolerant and nice persons.

About technology


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Into the Wild

One of my favorites movies is "into the wild". I saw it three or four months ago.
Maybe is my favorite film because I loved the filosophy that the protagonist represents.
He is a young man, that one day left everything, his familiy, and all his things except for a backpack, and go away from his normal life.
In the road, he meets many people and everybody has an history to tell.
He learn something about each one of them, and then he back to his way alone again.
In the end, he found an answer for all his reflections.
I'm a great fan of the soundtrack too, made by a great musician and singer of the band "Pearl Jam". :)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

About trips_

When somebody talks about travels, immediately comes to my mind the best moments that I've ever had. My most important and significant travel was in 2007, when my classmates and me went to many places of the chilean south (like Villarica, Osorno, Temuco) and to Bariloche, Argentina. We stayed nine days travelling miles away from Santiago.
All was so beautiful there! I'll always remember everything, since the face of my friends when they were sleeping, the chocolates from Bariloche, until the landscapes of the lake and volcano from Villarrica.
This experience was very exciting, but it was very difficult too, cause we always thought that all the class should been there; but many of us had problems to go because of money, or our parents just doesn't want to let his daughters so far away.
We had discussions with our teachers too, and between us. We had many different opinion about the destiny of this trip.
In the end; now we think that everything could be the same if we only go somewhere togheter. The direction or places that we visited in the trip were not so much important.I hope that someday I get the chance to scape from the city with friends and have a good time, like in this travel.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


The first website that I used to see is about a magazine. Is called "Cinta de Moebio", and it has very complete articles about my discipline and another social ciencies.
There are some texts that I have to read, and I can see this web for some investigations.

It is a good source of information, and my teachers force me to check it, at least one time at week.

And I think, I must assume that I frequently use to find information on "wikipedia"
This web had the answer for all my cuestions !
I use it almost every day.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Well, i don't have a favorite hobbie, or some activity that I regulary practice. But there are many things that i like to do.
For example, I like to be with my old friends.. go to many places across the city and talk about everything for many hours, go to see live music shows of our favorites bands, or just be with them walking by the streets or by any square.
I miss them a little bit :(
But I like to know new people too. That is the best activity in the university for me. A long time ago, I used to participate at guitar classes. I've never learned to play the guitar very well, but I like to try and sing my favourite songs.
I love to have many time and do all this things... I miss that time too!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Happy "Earthquake" to you!

That night was very strange.
I was on vacations with my best friend, near to the beach. We were sleeping when the earthquake began.
I wasn't scared, but I already thought about my parents.
My mother, specially.
She is a very nervous person, and I know that her first reaction would been worring about me.
I tried to talk with my parents a couple hours, until the morning. We take contact in the afternoon.
That day I had to return to my house, in Santiago. Everything inside the kitchen was broken, but the apartment was without serious damage.
When I got to my home, I remembered something: that day was Alejandra's birthday, the sister of my best friend. Well, she didn't have her best birthday party, but she had a bithday to remember for the rest of her life.

The next days, at monday, all was in completely disorder. My father just go back to his work, my mother didn't know what to do, my brother was in a lot of voluntary campains and I wasn't even knew when i had to go to my first class in the University.
That week, with some friends, I was participating in some benefical acts, and working whith voluntaries in different places of Santiago.
I think that was a very nice experience.
The earthquake and all the effects of it, are still present between us.
We don't have to forget it.


I'm a student of Anthropology from the Universidad de Chile.
I am in my first year of the career, and I really like it.
I've already have learned to create a blog so now, I hope to learn something about english!
I wasn't in the first class so i'm just
something here.
